I tried making my own iPhone case.
◉ AIを使ったところ I used AI for several tasks
- 背景画像の生成 Generating background images
- キャラクターの生成およびいろいろなポーズ Creating characters and various poses
- かわいい文字 Producing cute lettering
- 背景透過 Making backgrounds transparent
◉ AIにできること AI is capable of
- 背景画像の生成 Generating background images
- キャラクターの生成およびいろいろなポーズ Creating characters and various poses
- 背景透過 Making backgrounds transparent
◉ AIにできないこと However, AI still struggles with
- かわいい文字 Producing cute lettering
依然として日本語に弱い Handling Japanese effectively
- 同じキャラクターの出力 When outputting the same character
the results change every time.
- 好みの配置
Although AI offers design suggestions for arranging elements as you prefer
- 画像化
you still need to manually combine the parts. Moreover, saving and optimizing images for smartphone cases requires human adjustment.
Nevertheless, I feel that the range of what can be done has dramatically increased. With AI, I’m now able to accomplish things that I couldn’t before.
I can’t help but be excited about the evolution of AI.